Vela’s CEO Jen Nayar joins Board of Directors of the Security Traders Association of New York

Posted 01st August 2017

New York, NY – August 1, 2017 – Vela, a global leader in high performance trading, market data, and analytics technology, is pleased to announce that Jennifer Nayar, CEO at Vela, has joined the Board of Directors of the Security Traders Association of New York (STANY) starting from August 1, 2017 for a three-year term.

STANY has been representing professionals in the trading and financial services community in the Greater New York City area since 1937. Joining its Board as Officers, Directors, Consultants are senior managers from top financial institutions, investment banks, technology and service providers from the New York area.

As a board member, Jen will provide her time, knowledge and skills to support the Association and its mission, highlighting when possible the common purposes that are beneficial to the whole financial services community. As a key influencer and respected leader in the New York and global financial technology industry, Jen will endeavor to promote STANY activities among her peers as well as take an active role in participating in board and committee meetings, attending STANY events, and helping to encourage new and existing membership.

Jen Nayar, CEO at Vela, commented, “I am extremely honored to have been appointed by the STANY Nominating Committee to serve as a member of their board. I look forward to being involved in their activities and use my leadership position, knowledge, and experience to support their objectives, help find solutions to common industry challenges, create discussion forums on key market trends, and encourage more opportunities for collaboration among financial services professionals.”

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For media inquiries, please contact
Melanie Budden, The Realization Group
Tel: +44 7974 937970

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